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    Rajiv Badlani

    Can’t agree with you more. So many products are using their history and nostalgia to enhance their personalities and appeal and these guys are throwing it away! You’ve hit the nail on the head when you assume it must be a committee.


    Joe-Ward Naturopath; - From gorillas-dont-cook, to ReFidolize to Whole-Life Extensionism; - Cancer, Diabetes, Heart-Disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, etc., - All are part of the same Dis-Ease mechanism. - Acid / Alkyline imbalance; poor Immune System functioning; Processed-Foods Poisonings; and anti- Holistic Nutrition. To heck with the Bird-Flu,- it is all a brain-washing scheme of the Pharmaceutical, Food-Industry, Fed-Gov croni-ism, international banking B.S. SCHEME. Natural Health and Wellness, and At-Easement is available to all whom might listen to the Truth. Allopathic side-effects pushers may mean well, but make a darn good living hyping drug-drug mask and cover-up symptom hocus pocus. The Truth IS always the Truth! - And the Aspartame money game is alive and You are un-well! Ha! We all might as well be zooed like the gorillas behind bars. We are all being 'Processed' to death. Live foods, and Ph balance, and Immune-Modulation is the Joe-Ward motto. -p.s.- save a dog today. Buy 'ReFidolize'. 100% of net profits go to non-profit children's, and canine anti-cruelty organisations. - Remember,- "Gorillas-Dont-Cook", - and Dont-Sweat-the-Small-Stuff. Peace, - Joe Ward (Herbalist) email: [email protected] -. Ask Your Vetinarian and Health-Food -Store to stock Joe-Ward (naturopth) products. "Namaste".

    Cotton Bags

    I think the new Sun-Maid raisin girl looks like a lifeless computer game robot. Not appealing. I also think it doesn’t matter. No ad, no logo, no image will sell one more raisin.


    Do a search for "gifts in a jar" and you will find many sites for all kinds of mixes you can put ttogeher in a jar to give as gifts. I would use the type of lids that has the flat lid and the ring then you can cover the flat part of the lid with a square of material then put the ring on. You can print up the directions and tie them around the lid with raffia or a pretty Christmas ribbon..Hope this helps/References :

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