This blog will be hard for many readers to accept. The Democrat Party as a whole does not understand the unique political nature of America.
The best evidence is from the constitution of Japan which was created by the American State Department staff after WWII who were all Democrats. It is modeled on the British system where the parliament (‘the Diet’ in Japan) elects the prime minister who is in charge of the executive branch of government. In the U.S. Constitution, the head of the executive branch is elected by the entire American population. The same failure of Democrats to use the American system of government is found in the creation of the German post war government but Americans were not the only people involved.
When I was a student at the University of Chicago in the mid-1950s the authoritative text on government was by Herman Finer. The best government he recommended was the British parliament. Finer was an East European Jew; as I’ve pointed out elsewhere, Jews who came to America never appreciated the American system of government; they favored socialism and other Lefty ideas. Finer’s book on government was nearly the universal college text at the time.
The American system of government is unique because it was created de novo by a small group of very brilliant men who searched the global history of government for their ideas of governance. The American system of a separate executive evolved from there.
The evolution first included the creation of political parties, then the unification of the election of the president and vice president and finally the widespread use of state primary elections.
To see that the Democrat Party still doesn’t understand the uniqueness of the American system of governance, there are many pieces of current evidence.
The Democrat Party has always had their electoral conventions controlled by big-city party bosses. When the city-boss system died out it was replaced by Superdelegates who can overrule the other ordinary convention delegates. Very much outside the idea of American republican democracy.
This latter development is why I refuse to call the Democrat Party the Democratic Party. It isn’t democratic.
The Democrat Party proceeded to step outside the American governmental idea with the office of President Nixon. Nixon was investigated by Congress for his spying on the opposition party. What Nixon did had been the norm for both political parties for generations. Even before the threat of a Nixon impeachment the U.S. Senate forced Nixon’s Vice-President (Spiro Agnew) to resign and selected a likable, defeatable member of the House as his Vice-President (Gerald Ford.) A new case of Congressional meddling in the Executive. A first in nearly 200 years.
In the past decade the Democrat Party has again stepped outside the American political norm. Aggressively. I will only mention a few of the outrages.
In the 2016 election the Democrat Party claimed that Trump won because of Russian election interference. A novel claim in American politics and proceeded for 4 years to promote this unsubstantiated issue. In fact the Democrat Party used two secret Executive Branch agencies to carry out illegal espionage on the Republicans.
Then when Trump held the presidency, the House, under Democrat rule proceeded to impeach the president twice. Twice the Senate refused to support the impeachment. The second time, the President's time in office was finished, a situation not envisioned in the Constitution. An unconscionable first time in American history.
After President Trump was defeated for his second term, the Democrats proceeded to bring a string of legal actions against him. This act of legal warfare is unprecedented in the 233-year history of America. It will permanently discourage wealthy people and business people from seeking the Presidency.
The Democrat party had its New York office holders impose a bail fee that violated the Eighth Amendment which prohibits excessive bail. The New York bail was greater than the total U.S. Gross National Product when the 8th Amendment was passed in 1791.
The Democrat Party had the leading opposition candidate removed from the ballot in three primary states. Promptly ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
There are many more examples. It is clear the Democrat Party doesn’t understand America, our Constitution, nor our moral foundations.
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