Why don’t we have flying cars or jet packs?
What was the surface temperature of the earth in 1950?
Why did inflation begin on 1/20/21?
What single man created the modern world?
Did the Dutch army ever completely defeat Britain?
Why don’t we have flying cars or jet packs?
Anyone who can watch a butterfly or look at a tree with leaves can see that the air moving around us has many very small cells of moving air going in different directions. That is what tumbles a jet pack or a flying car, upside down.
What was the surface temperature of the earth in 1950?
It was 57.1 F. The same as it is today. I got that number from radiosonde. A reliable site of global balloon measurements taken every month by nations all around the world. This reliable global surface temperature measurement was online with detailed data until I published it with commentary in 2016. Then it disappeared and you can’t find it. Nor can you find many of my discussions of it, on my blogs over many years.
Why did inflation begin on 1/20/21?
Because on that date the new president, Biden, canceled all fracking on public land by Presidential Order. The price of oil went from $40 a barrel to $90 a barrel immediately. Oil moves everything on the planet by truck, train, ship and air. It is in the price of everything. As in 1973 and 1979 the price of oil determined the subsequent inflation. I wrote about it here.
What single man created the modern world?
John D. Rockefeller who started with oil drilling and refining oil into kerosene in 1865, ended up by the 1890s producing 90% of the world’s oil. He created refining and distribution methods to minimize the cost of oil and to make it the driving energy that created the modern world.
Did the Dutch army ever completely defeat Britain?
Yes, in November 1688. The Dutch army landed 20,000 soldiers and horses in Devon, off of 60,000 ships, and marched in fifteen days to London, defeating King James II’s army. Surrounding central London, the Army demanded the installation of the Dutch ruler and his wife as King William and Queen Mary as the royal family of England, Ireland and Scotland. The Parliament agreed. The Brits call that Dutch victory the Glorious Revolution.