The reason I can see what is happening in society is because I have a class analysis. I call it Social Thought but it is not far from standard class analysis.
The academic world had transformed class analysis from a Marxist version to a racist one over the past 35 years because there was no working class in America and no hereditary upper class either.
So what is happening is that we have a large group of wokies running our universities, government, media, many major corporations and our educational system. To them the oppressors are whites, Jews, Indians, police, corporations, and Asians. The oppressed are blacks, Arabs, Spanish and Portuguese speakers, native Americans, heavy drug users, and criminals.
What is interesting to me, is the synthesis of the religion of Human-Caused Global Warming Apocalypse with the Marxist Oppressive Racism. We call this combination ‘Woke.’
To this has been added Jew Hate, the most ancient and enduring human persuasion.
What I realized is that these three groups of hysterics all fit together. People inside this hysteria want the world, the modern world, to stop. To stop right now.
This is Luddism, the same old imagery of throwing a wooden boot into the giant programmed weaving machine.
What pulled it all together for me was the recent public addition of Jew Hate.
The hereditary elites of America, England, Europe, Russia, and many other nations have always harbored a strong Jew Hate. The reason is clear to me now. The hereditary elites have always, always wanted to stop social change because it is a threat to their domination and status. Jews, for thousands of years, have been a primary source of social change and innovation.
Jews from day one have believed in education, they have known mathematics, they have been readers, writers, and traders. If there had been Nobel Prizes in 500 CE, the majority would have gone to Jews.
These all fit together. Stop the world today. Believe in Armageddon that is human- caused, be strongly opposed to meritocracy because it drives innovation and blame all horrors on Jews.