America created the celebrity sometime around the first World War. There was Edison, Ford, Lindbergh, Einstein and Rockefeller, Carnegie, Chaplin and many more.
Just from looking at that list you can see that some were treated as positive and some as negative.
I want to make a simple point. If you are treated as negative you have only two choices: ignore it all or fight back. If you are treated as positive, just sit back and enjoy it.
This is of current concern because two celebrities have been treated as negative, Trump and Musk and they have chosen to fight back at the hatred fired at them.
This is a problem because Trump is a great business builder and an even greater man as the first businessman to occupy the presidency. He will be remembered as the man who made Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel after 2,300 years; as the first president to recognize that government regulation was the greatest harm the American government can do.
Musk is the greatest engineer-businessman in an entire century.
Such nasty treatment of both men is flat-out immoral and historically a sign of sub-human behavior by a large part of the public.
Many people have ignored celebrity-hood and been badly treated for the rest of their lives. Two classic examples are John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Three recent examples are prescient Richard Nixon, a truly great and visionary president. Woody Allen, a historically important filmmaker was treated miserably and Senator Joe McCarthy who foresaw the problem of embedded Communists long before the majority of Americans, many of whom have never seen it.
Just from looking at history, the choice of what to do when cast as a negative celebrity, the best choice is to attack your enemies, including the very powerful newspaper and TV media.