There seems to be one universal reason nearly every Lefty I know says they are a Lefty: ‘the Left cares about poor people.’ I’ve heard this all my life, even from my parents.
I know that the opposite is true.
The Left actually makes life more difficult for poor people in nearly everything the Left does. Regardless of what they say. But I need to present verifiable facts to my friends that will help them see the reality.
The unassailable facts are to look at countries where the national policy is pro-commerce. The test is in the ownership of the major institutions such as power supplies, the oil, steel and the banking businesses. In the pro commerce countries the per capita GDP is dramatically higher than in the socialist countries and poor people are dramatically better off in housing, food and healthcare.
Here are the pro commerce countries where poor people are much better off with the per capita GDP($000):
Singapore $83 A country with no natural resources.
U.S.A $76
Denmark $67 A country with no natural resources
Israel $55 A country with no natural resources when founded in 1948
Japan $33 Japan is much richer but the data is flawed
Here are the socialist countries were the average person has no car, no private home and very little food or clean water:
Venezuela $16 A million people have left this country and income has gone down
Cuba $10 Several million people have risked their lives to leave
Turkmenistan $ 7
Nicaragua $ 2 Much of the population has left
The final fact that poor people benefit from pro-commerce policies and are punished by socialist Lefty governments is China. Terrible poverty under Mao for 25 years, including millions dying from starvation, only relieved by the introduction of pro -commerce policies in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping and rapid economic growth resulting.
That should be unqualified evidence to convince anyone that Lefty policies are not good for poor people. The definition of ‘Lefty’ are policies that are anti-commerce.