It is readily apparent that America without oil and gas energy will be forced to reduce its living standards. I ignore the race and gender wars provoked by the ‘woke’ and the absurd anti-merit elements of the woke agenda because Americans will survive the turmoil of the first two and will never accept the anti-merit propositions.
America will not grow. America will learn to live at a zero growth rate. Simple living will be a pervasive choice.
I have long supported the simple living life model and wrote a book Simple Living Investments for Old Age. Of course I had simple living as a voluntary choice, not as a failure of the economic system.
From my vantage point, a simple living America will be more relaxed, will have many more small businesses, be far happier and we will have more artistic people. America’s vigor will be channeled into new creative outlets. The Briarpatch was a vital and exciting world. Part of the hippy domain that I would be happy to relive.
The benefits for the world would be magnificent. One-third of the world lives in a tribal environment and that part does not want modern commerce. They are happy with tribal life and don’t want the ever plundering modern encroachment on their lives. That part of the world has already enjoyed the better food supplies and the improved health of the past half century. Tribal peoples, the world over will be happy to live their tribal lives.