There are many ways to put this but the simplest and clearest for all my readers who have never left the U.S, for those who probably never will and for the few who will leave the U.S. but will not visit the two thirds of the world that is never seen by tourists: what Americans are doing to ourselves and what Americans want other humans to do to themselves is unacceptable.
We want the two thirds of the world that is poor, without cars and without a surfeit of food to suffer. We want them to live with what they have now or to live with less.
That is what ‘woke America’ and ‘woke Europe’ is asking of the world. ‘You poor people of the world are to live without oil, natural gas and live in societies that disdain merit. Whatever you have now you should have less of it.’
Don’t worry too much about us Americans. We are already rich and live with an abundant surplus of everything.
Despite what the ‘woke Americans’ say about the barriers to women and blacks in America, the 200 American women billionaires own more money than all the people in the poorest 50 countries in the world earn in a year and the 10 wealthiest black Americans own more than all the people in Liberia earn in a year.