I have never talked about my portfolio because I don’t discuss investments in any circumstances. The problem with me giving investment advice is that I am not around when it is time to change the advice. I could recommend that you buy a stock and a week later I sell it and forget that I told you to buy it.
My portfolio has several segments based on my half- century of managing portfolios, professionally. One is medical/pharma, another is anti-green that includes nuclear, oil, coal and gas, a third part is tech. There are two other parts. The anti-green has risen spectacularly lately.
I’ve talked recently about the tech stocks’ income to the U.S. because Seattle and The S.F. Bay Area are connected to giant pipelines from the entire world that pour tech money into the U.S. That is coming to an end over the next few years. Sooner than I thought.
I’ve sold all my holdings of Microsoft, Adobe and Salesforce. These are companies that have announced their refusal to sell products to Russia because of the Ukraine invasion.
The shortsightedness of these announcements is that punishing Russia is an announcement to businesses in China, India and several other countries that American tech companies can be fickle suppliers. American tech now means ‘unreliable.’
It is easy to replace these three companies’ products with home grown products quickly, especially since China, India and Russia have good indigenous computer professionals. One year and two years from now the products from these companies will have been replaced in many businesses all over the world.
The other problem I see with this fickle shortsighted corporate behavior and the associated government nonsense is that closing down SWIFT for international banking to Russia means that Russia, India and China will rapidly develop their own reserve currency and bank transfer mechanism.
That means the loss of a great power position that the U.S. has held for more than half a century. It is even possible that this will lead to the explosion of some crypto currencies to replace the dollar. Our loss.
We are such a stupid country, particularly the Democrat Party, the same party that held on to slavery and Jim Crow for 150 years. The same party that cut off domestic exports of oil and gas the first month in office and then later begged the Saudis to increase their oil production after we had become an oil importer. The same party that doubled the price of Russian oil exports to empower Putin.
Reminds me of the kid who killed his parents and then complained to the trial court about being an orphan.