Oil price rise causing inflation
In 1974 we faced an OPEC oil embargo that raised the price of oil and immediately created domestic U.S. inflation. That Inflation continued for 12 years and at one point in 1980 reached a 12% rise in the CPI measure of inflation.
This was the first of its kind oil price- caused inflation. One-of-a-kind events are seldom the basis for new economic thinking.
The same thing has happened again in 2021. It is time to think about the issue of oil prices and inflation.
I think that oil prices play a unique role in the economy. Oil and gas consumption is only 2% of the GDP so it should have a trivial impact. However it is a component of nearly every other component of the GDP ranging from exports, to fertilizer, to chemicals, plastics, energy, construction and transportation.
Therefore the price of oil has a multiplier effect on the economy and a long- term residual effect. The unexplained impact of a substantial price rise lasting for many years is novel. My guess is that oil prices have a ratchet effect on the economy. ‘Ratchet’ means that a price rise does not disappear or resolve to a lower level because of union restrictions on wage decreases and other rigidities in the market. Furthermore an oil price increase, over a few years, brings into play large investments in the oil and gas industry which themselves have an inflationary consequence because of their magnitude.
We shall see. In 2021 incoming President Biden declared an end to the fracking style of oil and gas drilling and immediately doubled the price of crude oil. This is 2022 with more than a year of inflation and the high inflation rate continues. If it continues for several more years, we can conclude that the price of oil is a key long-term ratchet multiplier in inflation.
Global money pipes go to the Bay Area
There is an obvious pattern in global money flows that I don’t see discussed anywhere else. I see it because of the rapidly increasing wealth in the San Francisco Bay area that is not restrained by any taxes or other repressive economic forces.
The global internet is operating based on patented technology, software and many physical products that are owned by major corporations in the S.F. Bay Area. Companies such as Intel, Oracle, Adobe, Cisco, Salesforce, Google and Apple are a key part of the global internet and the computer/phone infrastructure. The money they earn flows directly to their headquarters before being distributed everywhere else that there are owners, suppliers and employees.
That means that when a 16- year old boy in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan uses his phone he is paying for the wireless connection, the phone, the internet, all the programs and apps on the phone. A part of his payment consistently goes to the San Francisco Bay area. The same is true for every phone everywhere on the planet from Iceland to Delhi to Cape Horn. That money is pouring in. It has been pouring in for several decades and may continue for another decade.
This is the new form of invisible colonialism where wealth from the entire planet flows to the power of U.S. tech corporations. Most of whom happen to be headquartered in the S.F. Bay area.
Longest Economic Rise Without a Decline
Number 2 above is probably the reason for the 12-year long continuous rise in the U.S. economic growth is the longest continuous rise in the recorded history of the GDP.