The rise of the Wokies is somewhat of a surprise. They now have millions of ordinary Americans as followers yet their positions are down right stupid. How could a person of ordinary intelligence consider America a country of extensive racism when Satya Nardella is CEO of Microsoft, Arvind Krisna is CEO of IBM and Sundar Pichai is CEO of Google? All dark skinned and born in India.
Or the self-announced racist oppression of millionaire blacks like Oprah Winfrey, LeBron James and Meghan Markle.
It is in small part due to the wokie control of the New York media establishment and American academia, but the largest part is due to the wokie control of the major social media, Facebook and YouTube. The wokies have eliminated all forms of rebuttal to the wokie stupidity with their cancel culture.
It is no exaggeration to say that the intelligent voices in the anti-wokie world are far more intelligent than the leading wokie advocates. The wokies have no equivalent to Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hansen, Niall Ferguson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Glenn Loury or Shelby Steele.
We anti-wokies need to stop the wokie censorship and we will win every argument, every discussion and every academic inquiry. We will put an end to wokie stupidity and hysteria.
How to do that is my next subject of intense thought.