I’ve been reading many books on sexual selection in humans and its relation to human nature.
There is no reason to list the books; they are all wrong. Wrong. Sure the selfish gene uses us to reproduce itself. That doesn’t require or indeed generate a ‘human nature.’ We have many biological relatives such as the chimps, gorillas and bonobos but none have the global diversity of mating and child rearing that humans have. There is no general human nature to homo sapiens.
Christianity and Marxism and many other theologies purport to understand human nature and propose to improve it. That is the biggest fallacy of human history and the reason for the current human tragedy.
We got to the modern world by a series of five historically unique accidents.
- The Roman Catholic Church in Europe promoted monogamy which weakened the existing tribal structure and permitted the development of individuals. An accident restricted to large parts of Europe.
- The rise of Protestantism in Northern Europe drove the Inquisition that forced the Jews from Spain and Portugal to move to Holland where their trading and other skills combined with the Dutch engineering society, generated from dam building, to generate the technology for global trade and many of the commercial innovations required for trade. Another accident.
The Dutch invaded England and brought their technology and commercial innovations to a large semi-educated population which used the novel Dutch financial tools to create a global navy and a colonial empire. Including the colonies in America. An accident of poor governing by James II.
- The colonies offered an escape for innovative individuals from the oppressive hereditary first son primogenitor system. The innovative American colonists from six different backgrounds (D. H. Fischer’s Albion Seed plus the Dutch/Jews of Manhattan and the African slaves) knew they had to survive together. So they created the great compromise, the American Constitution. Truly an accident that didn’t happen in Canada or Australia.
- All this plus the great fertile open West created the firmament for the development of modern commerce beginning in the 1840’s. Definitely fortuitous.
Modern commerce, the incredible accident of human history, has allowed the fruition of technology but most importantly for the first time in human history it has created a diverse society where humans can cooperate and work together.
The people who work in Peet’s Coffee shop where I go, and the customers who join me there, can get along; though in their original home countries they would kill each other. That is the accident and miracle of modern commerce.
Modern commerce is such an extraordinary historic event that the ability for diverse humans to live and work together has been copied worldwide. The second (the first was fire) human social invention that has become global. So readily duplicated that even an Arab/Bedouin tribal society has been able to create the herculean cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai on their tribal land.
Because modern commerce was the result of five accidents, with no theology to underlie it, it is not understood nor appreciated by the human species including the wokies of America who are currently in the process of destroying it.
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