My relevant background on this subject is that I helped start the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco in 1974. I was co-organizer of the 1st International Erotic Film Festival and Museum with material from the Kronhausen Collection. I was on the California State certification committee that approved the masters and Phd degrees for the Institute.
I also funded and helped start the Sex Information Hot Line in San Francisco and New York.
Early data based on survey research in the 1950s, U.S., came from Alfred Kinsey and Playboy Magazine. There was not much detail on the frequency of orgasms. Most data indicated males were near 100% orgasmic while women were about 50%.
After 50 years I have finally seen some reliable data; it comes from the Kinsey Institute.
In summary, males have orgasms nearly 100% of the time except for medical or old age issues.
For adult women the reported data is as follows:
15% never have an orgasm.
20% never have orgasm from sex.
35% have orgasms in sex with assisted stimulation.
25% have regular orgasms with sex.
5% unknown
It looks like more women have orgasms after 50 years. Two women deserve special acknowledgement. Both were good friends of mine. Betty Dodson who did trainings, everywhere in America, focused on females, for more than 45 years. She stars in an excellent video by Gwyneth Paltrow. The third video in the first Netflix season.
Joani Blank started the first Adult Toy store, Good Vibrations, in 1977 that was clean, well lit and aimed at women. It expanded in the Bay Area and was copied nationally. I was Joani’s business consultant.
I know we are in a period of extreme Puritanism but everyone can be grateful to these two pioneering women.