I’ve been thinking about how to bridge the great American divide that confronts us.
I propose that we win the core argument. We create a Library for the Trump Revolution; subtitled The Thinking and thinkers behind the Revolution.
The Left has neither thinkers nor meaningful ideas on their side much like the Democrat South in the last civil war. By hoisting a flag of intellectual superiority we win the argument. Over time our intellectual dominance will win over a significant part of the opposition.
Such a library shall consist of video interviews, Prager U. courses, a large syllabus and a set of podcasts. Much as I would like to call it ‘Hear from the Deplorables’ the real theme is clear language and superior arguments.
A short list of our faculty would be: Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, Ann Coulter, Shelby Steele, Heather MacDonald, Daniel Pipes, Bruno Macaes and a dozen others.
Money is trivial for this idea. Superior execution is important.