I first became a Trump supporter when I learned from Mark Steyn that Trump had filled a large auditorium in New Hampshire in January 2016.
I had run political campaigns for a decade in the ‘60s and ‘70s I I never saw that kind of enthusiasm. By March I told all my friends in Tokyo to expect a Trump victory. They all reminded me of that this year 2017 because no one else ever warned them.
So, I have had an open mind about Trump and politics ever since then.
After his first year I want to weigh in on something new. Many people are saying that his first year of astounding accomplishments make him one of the greatest president in our history.
I will go further, based on the rockstar reception he is getting from screaming mature women these days: he may be one of the greatest people in American history since the founding fathers. (As important as Hamilton, Washington and Madison.)
Who else has had the impact on America that Trump has had? Some inventors like Edison and the Wright Brothers? Some businessmen like Rockefeller, Ford, J.C. Penney, A.P.Sloan, A.P. Giannini, Thomas Watson or Sandy Weill?
Of course Trump has many years to be President and many years to be in public life. Rising stars in politics like Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger have gone on to political ignominy.
That serves as a caution for me.