Observation leads to the following: all the gods and god-like views of traditional religions found around the world are unrelated to anything uniform or universal. Yaweh, Jesus, Allah, Confucius and Bodhisattva are radically different in general and in their particulars. Individuals have different views of god and within religious groups individuals only have clusters of ideas they agree upon. Traditional religions are only statistical clusters of people with similar religious ideas.
That is not true of the two great new religions.
First, there is the new religion of global human caused apocalypse. This religion, which is now the biggest religion on the planet, has extraordinary cohesion among its believers. Nearly all the believers, billions of them, believe an environmental apocalypse is on the near horizon. This apocalypse deals with the planetary atmosphere and the apocalypse would not exist if humans were not emitting carbon dioxide in excessive amounts. Most believers in this new religion consider non-believers to be wrong and maliciously wrong.
Second is the other great new religion, Fundamentalist-modern-Leftism, that believes that modern government can make humans into better people with laws, regulations and penalties. In the past century, the Nazi’s, Russian Communists, Chinese Communists, Cambodians, North Koreans and Cubans killed tens of millions of people trying to make better human beings with modern government power.
While killing members of their own society is less in fashion with this Leftism religion, there is vast uniform agreement that modern government should be used to improve human behavior and living patterns.
The great surprise about these two modern religions, in comparison to the older religions is that their adherents focus their beliefs and efforts on converting government to their religious views. Both religious groups, like all religions, deny any data or evidence that could change their minds. They are singularly homogeneous in their belief systems.
Looks like we will be living with these two new religions for a long time. I see no evidence that they are dying off.