At some point we will have to confront and discuss the issue of average national and ethnic IQs.
People who don't know me will find this blog a good time to call me a racist. I'm anti-Democrat so that alone qualifies me as a racist.
Charles Murray is not the only one to raise the subject of IQ in a non-PC forum . This map indicates that others have done global work on the national distributions of IQ.
People all over the world have different average national IQs.
The admixture of peoples in each country is important. Israel is lower than Jews in the U.S. because 1/6th of Israeli’s are lower IQ Arabs. Filipinos who come to the U.S. are higher than the ones left behind in their home country, self selection. And the U.S. has an equally large African and Latino population that lower the national average significantly.
When dealing with average IQs there is little that can be said about individuals. However, using the 15 point standard deviation from the 100 testing norm we can say that 50% of Northern-European whites in America are above the national average but only 20% of American Blacks are. Therefore any norming based on jobs or skills requiring IQ need to take this into consideration.
Similarly, 20% of American Blacks and Mexicans are below 70 IQ and we need special jobs and institutions to provide work for this part of the population. In the bad old days this IQ level was called ‘moron’ by scientists.
That would be roughly 4 million black males and 5 million Latino American males in the 'moron' range.
Those blacks and Latinos between age 15 and 30, the high crime category, would total 1 million Black males and 1.25 Latinos below 70 IQ. Good candidates for school dropouts, crime and prison. Which closely matches crime statistics.
Ethnicity, crime and IQ is something we never discuss. Though this data is over 100 years old and never falsified.
I haven’t thought about average group IQ much beyond the crime issue, except to use the IQ argument to favor Japanese, South Korean, urban Taiwanese, Singaporean and Hong Kong immigration.