This fact is a horrible reality that I am forced to confront nearly every day. The Left is always hurting the poor. People who know demographic data know this.
What got me so steamed up recently is that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have banned the sale of flavored tobacco in San Francisco. That impacts menthol cigarettes. Who smokes menthol cigarettes? Disproportionately Blacks and poor people. The law won’t impact vape smoking which is already underground.
How many examples will it take to show everyone that the Left punishes poor people?
Blacks and poor people are disproportionately heavy users of alcohol and cigarettes. The most heavily taxed retail goods on the market.
They also drive older cars that use more gasoline, heavily taxed gasoline, and have expensive smog checks annually. The poor get disproportionately more parking tickets which are expensive.
The poor pay regular utility rates which subsidize rich people’s electric cars, solar panels and car charging stations.
Second hand children’s toys have been taken off the market because used goods stores are required to have expensive machines to check for lead in every single children’s toy, stroller, blanket or crib.
Blacks and poor people die much earlier so they get fewer years of social security support.
Blacks and poor people start jobs at lower wages and stay at lower wages longer. So minimum wage laws eliminate jobs for blacks and poor people first. Also for young people who need starter jobs to learn working skills.
Blacks and poor people live in the most dangerous neighborhoods. They need guns for home self-defense. Consistent with everything else Lefties created, gun laws that the poor need to deal with are almost impossible to navigate and very costly for each transaction.
I could go on but the point should be obvious.
The Left hurts blacks and poor people most with nearly every piece of legislation and new tax they pass.
There is an emotional problem with being sympathetic to blacks and poor people. They vote 90% Lefty.