My partner (female) and I have a tradition developed over many years. We have been doing it for over two decades. We keep a list of friends who died and read it out loud at the beginning of every year.
I am a fan of traditions and behavioral acts that incorporate abstract ideas. This is saying the name of a friend long after they have lived.
We often go to a nearby hill that has a view of San Francisco. Somehow this makes the ritual more important than just reading the list at the breakfast table.
I also favor a gassho (hand bow) to ambulances and fire trucks with sirens. That is a physical recognition that a person or group of people are risking their lives to help a stranger.
We also celebrate the Sabbath evening candle lighting with wine and breaking bread. We use the time, often with friends, to talk about our lives during the past week. A behavioral way to make examination of ordinary life into a traditional ritual.
I think life needs to be reflected on as well as lived.