The Trump Derangement Syndrome has been volcanic around me lately. For more than two months I have been hearing about ‘impeachment’. These are not stupid and ignorant people. They are just deranged by a political outcome that is incomprehensible to them.
I think it would be fair to call them stupid and ignorant, were it not for their blatant mental illness.
The constitution spells out impeachment. The basis is ‘treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors’. The House must vote the articles of impeachment with a simple majority. Then the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding, must vote with a super majority.
Since both the House and Senate are controlled by Republicans it is hard to see how impeachment would be possible. In fact it wouldn’t be possible which is the reason for calling the Democrat loonies stupid, ignorant or in reality mentally deranged.
Two presidents have been impeached. Both Democrats. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Johnson was a serious threat to the U.S. and we live with the horrible consequences of his failed impeachment to this day. The racist bigotry of Black Lives Matter can be laid on Johnson for his blockage of the rehabilitation of slaves after the Civil War. Slaves remained ignorant and destitute in the South while the Confederates built a Jim Crow society that survived for a century, and for high crime urban ghettos that have survived to this day.
Johnson was a Democrat under Lincoln, a Republican, because in those days the Vice President was elected separately. John W. Booth was a Democrat and killed Lincoln with the intent to promoting a Democrat to the presidency.
Bill Clinton just lied under oath about sex with an employee; he was a notorious liar and horndog.
Apparently the same buffoons who have been yelling about impeachment are learning how ridiculous that is and they are now talking about using the 25th Amendment that allows the majority of cabinet officers to declare the president unfit for office.
The cabinet officers are all friends and appointees of the President. This seems about as likely as a flea biting a tiger and killing him. There are 17 regular cabinet members and another 10 ‘direct reports’ to the president. This seems even harder to achieve than the impeachment.
Mental illness is a sad state. Some sympathy is due these poor losers.