Exactly seven years ago, I wrote this in a blog: “We should plan to celebrate the signing of Emancipation Proclamation by the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, in the Lincoln bedroom (the Obama's should know this). The date of the 150th Anniversary of the signing is September 22, 2012. The anniversary of it implementation is January 1st 2013.
That will prepare us for the April 9th 2015, the 150th anniversary of the surrender of General Lee at the Appomattox Court House. We could also celebrate the May 10th capture of the Confederate President Jefferson Davis. I think that this time, unlike 1965, (when there was no celebration due to racial riots) having had a black president, America will be ready to celebrate the end of the Civil War and actually mark the end of that war.”
Need I tell my readers that now that the half black president is out of office, this is another indictable offense of our ignorant, uneducated former president. There were no celebrations and not even a few good speeches from anyone.
Not only did we not celebrate anything to do with the slave emancipation and the victory of anti-slavery forces, that killed over half-a-million men, we didn’t celebrate the end of the Civil War.
Part of this was because the half-black president didn’t know American history, but more importantly his purpose was to create a race war in America using all the powers he could muster. Remembering the emancipation was contrary to his desire for a race war, so he ignored it.
Terrible man and worse president.