Some institutions change and others don’t. Government institutions including most American agencies, education and others like agriculture and foreign service never change. They are malignant cancers.
Some institutions like language, media, technology and modern commercial corporations are in constant flux and evolution. That is why modern commerce is beneficial for humans. It is evolutionary like biology. One exception has been militaries. They change because it is clear when they have been defeated. Making room for new development.
So for our own survival how can we thwart or slow down the malignant government agencies? I know that in education, where I toiled for dozens of years, no change is possible. As alternatives, such as online courses, need to be established in parallel and the better students will take some of the smorgasbord within arms reach.
What are the mechanisms that have been tried on standard government agencies? Freeze hiring. This does nothing except the entrenched bureaucrats get more power. Cut the budget. That is the same as freezing hiring. The bureaucrats pay themselves more.
My most useful suggestion recently has been to move the agency to an undesirable location. Move the IRS and EPA to Detroit. The advantage of that is that some departments can be left un-reopened. But mostly half or more of the old bureaucrats won't move to the new location. They will quit or take early retirement. New vitality and new direction might be possible.
When Jerry Brown returned for a second run as governor of California he 100% abolished the state urban renewal department that has harassed him as mayor of Oakland. It has been six years and the agency is still gone. The former employees were all hired by their government local friends but without the statewide network they have been harmless.
I hope President Trump tries my idea and we will see if malignant government agencies can be changed.