Today I talked to a 44 year old who didn’t know what the Whole Earth Catalog was. He knew that Kevin Kelly had something to do with it. He is a well educated Harvard and computer geek.
I look at the past half century as a period of revolution and counter-revolution. The revolution was the hippies who rejected everything that their parents stood for. The hippies believed each person born is a tabla rasa, free to grow up loving, kind and generous. That the social milieu shaped the beings of our time. The hippies refused to work at regular salaried jobs, used every drug to alter the mind they could find and enjoyed free sex with no condoms. The entire milieu of the hippy world has been recorded by me in many blogs. My main role was to support their love of small business. Hippies believed that innovative small business was a key way to change the world. They were right. Small hippie businesses created the modern world.
The hippie revolution began sometime in the mid-1960’s and closed in the mid-1980’s. The counter revolution probably began in the late 1970’s and continued until the mid 2015’s.
The counter-revolution was found in the growth of an elite Marxist, feminist, anti-male academia, union controlled urban world of more government and more hatred of commerce and Jews.
Has the counter-revolution burned itself out?
We are living to see the people of America rise-up first as the Tea Party then as the Trump Party and regain control of the political levers. Now we get to see if America can regain control of our country in the name of modern commerce.