Sounds like a silly question. It may not be. I have a close friend who went from being highly energized before a fall where he hit his head to sleeping until 10 am every morning and having little energy.
His doctors and I have looked at every possible medical reason and there are none. That is why I have hit on the idea that it is his love of the New York Times that may be the reason.
On what evidence do I base my opinion?
During the peak of the hippy world I saw a movie that had the lovable heroes killed gratuitously at the end. I was depressed after seeing the movie, for a week. I vowed at the time to get media out of my life, excluding non-fiction books.
I went ten years without seeing a movie, seeing a TV show, listening to radio news, reading a newspaper or anything else related to the media. It was the hippy era and I was happy every day. The only thing I didn’t know about were the people who died during the 10 years of my media fast.
I saw the clear connection between the media and misery.
Then again during the two peaks of the 2016 political campaign I went without media for two two week periods. One after the Republican convention and one right before the election. The venom, lies and hatred from the drive-by media directed at candidate Trump made me physically sick. I recovered quickly during the media fasts.
It is based on those experiences that I suggest that reading the New York Times daily will make a person sick. Why the NYTimes? First, it is at the core of the Lefty hate bubble. The NYTimes is the source of most of the fake news, the lies and the daily Lefty fabrications. Always wrapped in arcane or sophisticated language and allusions.
Secondly, the NYTimes is a big newspaper, especially on Sundays. That supports the arrogant pretense of the paper as being a good news source and draws the reader into the angry painful bubble for more reading time.
Is the NYTimes bubble really a world of misery? In the NYTimes the opposition it analyzes daily are the domestic ‘deplorables’ and in the world the newspaper champions the global Jew haters.
I suggest that reading the NYTimes will shorten your life and make that life more miserable than it would otherwise be. It may be the tent pole of the Lefty anger and misery.