For Thanksgiving I stayed in a ‘tiny house’ on wheels in the Colorado town of Lyons. It is a good idea for its location. More than a dozen tiny houses rented as hotel rooms on a flood plain. The whole town flooded three years ago. However I doubt the rising rivers give enough warning for all of tiny units to be moved to higher ground in time.
As a confirmed simple liver, I love the idea of tiny houses. I love Japan, capital of tiny houses.
I try never to say anything negative about small businesses. I can’t avoid it. If I were served food that gave me food poisoning I’d mention it. The last time that happened was before blogs, at an Italian restaurant near Harvard Square owned by Alan Dershowitz 25 years ago.
The Wee casa’s have a problem so severe, I have to mention it. They use ‘on-demand’ heating for the water. Which means a cup full of hot water for a shower. No hot shower. For me, that is the equivalent of food poisoning.
Two other problems of little consequence. The bathroom is poorly designed. In Japan there are tiny bathrooms, cast as one piece plastic, that are beautiful, perfectly convenient and easy to clean. Get smart, you people who want to design tiny houses. Buy Japanese bathrooms.
People who travel have suitcases and clothing. There needs to be space for suitcases and places to hang up a few changes of clothes. The tiny houses must accommodate reality.
On the other hand, the units were beautifully crafted in wood. Cute. Maybe too cute.