I don’t know why I did it. I noticed a few intelligent comments on Facebook by people writing on David Boxenhorn’s posts. David is brilliant to begin with so his ‘friends’ are likely to be appealing.
In three cases I invited these commentators to be Facebook friends. They accepted my invitation.
Then, I noticed in the recommended names of ‘potential friends’ that the names of these three as ‘mutual friends’ began appearing. In each case I sent them a ‘friend request’. That meant that the number of new people suggested with ‘mutual friends’ kept growing.
I kept sending ‘friend requests’. Now my list of friends has over 300 new members, none of which I have met. All of whom trace back to three very intelligent core people.
Consequence: my Facebook page has fascinating new material. So much that I can’t get to the bottom before an equal amount of new material has been added at the beginning. And much of it is very interesting. Very interesting. I had no intention of spending so much time on Facebook.
Even more unexpected. Many of the new names and people who post are well known people who have unusually interesting things to post on Facebook.
If you want to get into this mosh pit, just ask me to ‘friend’ you. My own comments are very different from this blog. This blog is primarily about pro commerce. My Facebook is just rants, often political to get something off my chest.