How does a blog about pro commerce deal with the issues of family, which is the core of Thanksgiving.
Pro commerce is about meritocracy. Family in the traditional meaning is tribal. They are classic opposites. Loyalty to family is supposed to trump merit. In tribal societies, which still prevail in most of the world, the family would hire a family member in business as a first priority.
Interestingly the family in the modern commercial world is very different. No one seems to have noticed.
I wouldn’t hire a member of my family for a real job (as opposed to cooking, helping with family matters, etc) over a more qualified or appropriate person. And they all know it. They are lawyers, doctors and indian chiefs. I did hire my son to teach me Chinese martial arts for over a decade, because he was the best teacher I knew. It was a good decision. He came to my house, weekly, and we kept up to date on our lives.
Family today has another function. It is for continuity of life. In my family we take care of the elderly. Most importantly, we provide protection and comfort for the young. The young know there are family members who will care for them; always. The family provides support. Everyone knows they can find a family member who will help when help is needed.
That is continuity. Intergenerational continuity. It is a valuable quality of family. And a sad missing element in many parts of our society.