It would be terribly rude of me to suggest that all Lefties have a strain of crookedness in them.
So I won’t.
I will just mention my experience. In the first years I was business manager of Glide Memorial Methodist Church, I expanded an earlier practice of Glide of renting all of our large rooms (about 5 of them of several sizes) to any group that wanted them. No questions asked. Low rent.
The consequence was that most modern activist organization of the 1970’s were first organized at Glide.
I quickly learned a lesson. The various communist local organizations wouldn’t pay their rent, wouldn’t clean up after themselves and would steal chairs and tables. Slowly I developed a list of the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Marxist, Trotsky and Anarchist groups that I would no longer rent to.
Why are these Leftists groups crooks?
I can only speculate. Their ideology is based on theft. 1) Steal from the social classes that have wealth and resources. 2) Steal enough from everyone and you will break down the social order of trust. 3) Show potential converts that you are brave and defiant of social norms.
Of course, the Lefty world hasn’t done very well in the past century. Their saving grace is that the petty Leftists in Europe and those coming out of American colleges are ignorant of recent history.