As I said in the last blog, I am surrounded by people and media who are convinced that artificial intelligence and robots are going to eliminate jobs and employment. The AI robot Armageddon.
I disposed of that nonsense in the same blog. It is hard to believe that anyone with a modicum of brains could keep expounding that tripe. So where does that overflowing cup of fantasy come from?
My answer is that we live in an era that has replaced traditional religion that believed in an afterlife and a variety of saviors who would create heaven somewhere and even here on earth.
That religion is gone, for the most part in Europe and the English speaking world. It has been replaced by a pseudo-scientific Armageddon.
Look at global warming. An impending earth destroying, commerce annihilating ‘scientific fact’ about human caused CO2 rising and a global temperature increase of horrible proportions. Along with a morality that demands the suppression of modern life and modern commerce.
These godless creatures that surround us are determine to recreate a religion. The coming global disaster of no work for humans because of artificial intelligence and robots is just the next blind pseudo-scientific paranoid fear they are getting ready to believe in and use to suppress modern life and modern commerce.
It is rude to say, the believers in global warming and robots replacing humans really can not be reasoned with. They are the current version of Luddites through and through.