I am the champion of modern commerce for many reasons. One I have never mentioned is that commerce has brought us the safest place to be.
The average number of homicides per year in the workplace is 700, of those that are gun related there are 400 per year. These homicides occur in the workplace where 140 million American’s spend 250 billion hours.
So how much time is spent outside of the workplace?
There are 200 million Americans between ages 15 and 64. Of these 15,000 are killed a year with 10,000 gun related murders per year. This number of homicides occurs during the 1,450 billion hours Americans in this age group are not at work.
So 700 Americans are killed annually with 400 killed with guns at work where they spend 250 billion hours.
The rest of the time where we spend 1,450 billion hours sleeping and not working 15,000 are killed, 10,000 with guns.
Summary: outside of work Americans spend roughly 6.0 times the number of hours in their lives. When not at work Americans have 23 times the likelihood of being murdered. And 28 times the likelihood of being murdered with a gun, each year.
Go to work. Work more hours if you want a lower chance of being murdered.
The nature of modern commerce is that while at work diverse people learn how to co-operate. Work is cooperation. And while working Americans are relatively peaceful compared to their time outside work. (We spend 16.7% of our lives at paid work). 23 to 28 times more peaceful.
We are one twentieth as likely to be murdered each hour spent at work.