Hitler and most other anti-Jews have always believed in an international Jewish banking conspiracy.
I am happy to tell you that there is no such thing as “international banking”.
This notion comes not from commercial banking but from “merchant banking”. The Rothschild family had bank offices in several Continental nations and towards the end of the 19th Century they had representatives in many nations.
Only two problems. They didn’t accept deposits, they used their own money. They only made loans to sovereigns by buying government issued bonds.
Several large banks have tried to create international banking, Chase, Citi, Bank of America. At various times in the last 40 years they had many overseas offices where they accepted deposits and made local commercial loans. B of A closed those in the 1980’s and Citi was the last to close in the past 6 years, partly driven by the American bank reporting laws.
At this point only a few banks have actual full banking operations in multiple countries. One is HSBC, another is Rabobank, Canadian National and Deutsche Bank. Many banks own banks in other countries such as Sumitomo which owns Union Bank. And the EU has many banks in multiple parts of the EU.
What confuses people is that banks often buy large tranches of foreign bonds and also join with groups of banks to make loans to international businesses. We read about these when they become 'problems'.
Today, you will see many foreign bank offices in the United States. There is a reason for that. But you won’t see real foreign banks, banks that accept local currency deposits and make local commercial loans in Shanghai, Tokyo, Moscow, Mumbai, Sao Paolo or Cairo. At most you have local offices that service their own international clients.
Because every nation presents the risk of controlling the foreign bank out of business. That is too big a risk for bankers, since it happens all the time (it doesn’t make the local news). The United States has been very lenient in this regard for the past decade. But that may not last if the American major banks feel a threat at any time.