Roman viaducts are the subject of this blog.
I am concerned these days about the survival of modern commerce. The world is mostly populated by tribes who are not capable of generating or sustaining modern commerce. The rest of the planet are in the thrall of a Luddite eschatological religion and an anti-commerce Leftism.
No more than a dozen humans understand what unique institutional traits are required for modern commerce to survive.
The several thousand of homos who went to the island of Tasmania several millennia ago lost all of their technology for comfortable survival in a few generations. They no longer knew how to make fish hooks. The tribal structure doesn't work for maintaining technology.
The engineering genius of the Greeks who produced a brass calendric computer was lost. The Roman genius that produced aquaducts, sewer lines and a coliseum with a weather protective dome was lost as was their road building prowess.
We have the great contrast between the Rom people and the Jews. Jews are the most pro-historic people on the planet. For three millennia they have taught their children to read, write do numbers and study history. The Rom people only emphasize their tribal integrity and are otherwise ahistoric.
We Jews integrated fully into modern commerce when the time came. Jews created the most dynamic vigorous country in history when the time came. Jews have been successful in modern commerce and are the most productive group of contributors to the science, technology, arts and medicine of the new era. Thanks to their focus on history.
American universities have entirely eliminated history, as you can see by perusing any and all of their degree requirements. Based on my examination of the issues, this spells doom or serious decline for American based modern commerce.