I was born in the best place and at the best time in the history of the planet. 1938 in the United States.
That means my entire life I was protected by antibiotics. Starting in my teenage years I was protected from polio. By the time my teens were nearly over girls (then women) were protected from pregnancy by IUDs and birth control pills. College and University was so reasonable I never had to borrow any money.
I just missed the era of Jew prejudice and became a Vice-President of the most elite bank West of the Mississippi.
I got to enjoy the out of control sexual freedom of the hippie world. I was in the middle of the middle of it at Glide and Whole Earth in San Francisco. I got the benefit of the hippie love of small business when I started the Briarpatch Network and wrote and published some of the hippie bibles.
I lived with the computer revolution from the IBM 7090 to the smart phone. It was the end of the hereditary elite and 45 years of the greatest economic growth in world history.
I lived to see Communism defeated in the USSR and China. Breast cancer for women past menopause was cured, emergency room procedures were mastered and the modern catheter lab installed widely for heart technology.
In the few jobs I had, my talent and competence was so widely appreciated, I was free to do whatever I wanted. By the time I was 30 my income was all self generated.
I had three healthy children who grew up to produce five healthy grandchildren. The three children are kind, smart and successful. Their mother and the many women I have lived with were all astounding, exciting and wonderful. All products of America and public services from education to health care.
Now the dark clouds of anti-commerce, eschatological enviro-religion, Jew hate and Ludditism have settled over the world. It is beginning to look like I lived in the best time and place in the world and history. So did you.