Did you know that the Norwegians have built a wall along their northern border with Russia to keep out refugees?
These are the same Norwegians who have maliciously attacked Israel for building a wall to keep Palestinians from killing them. Of course the Norwegian government is not alone in the world of hatred of Jews. Exemplified by the attacks on Israel’s right to build a wall of self defense.
The Israeli genius for doing what is necessary and ignoring the jet engine loud blasts of hatred around the world is really a light unto the world.
We are long familiar with the communist walls to keep people inside their dungeons of ideology. The Iron Curtain, the bamboo curtain, the Cuban destroy-all-boats curtain, the North Korean walls and now the Venezuelan barriers.
Keeping dangerous people out, like the Israelis do, is not really new. The Great Wall of China and all the walled cities of the world had the same purpose. The Indians have new walls to keep the Pakistanis out; the Thais have walls to keep the Southern Moslems out, the Hungarians are keeping Syrians out and Americans are voting for Trump to keep Latinos out.
It seems to be catching on. The world really has some gradients of ideological, educational and economic differences that are too great to treat gently.