Just for the historic record, the current period has seen more government corruption than any previous period in my lifetime. For the past nine years the corruption has been most extensive in the Democrat Party on a federal level.
This article makes clear that the Silicon Valley tech leaders are aggressively Democrats and two fistedly pouring money into the Democrat Party corruption.
I believe that corporations must have significant influence on government for protection if for no other reason. Governments are usually piranhas trying to harm businesses. Especially in the international playing field.
However, through most of the past century corporations gave nearly equal amounts to both parties and played both sides of the fence. That is a rather fair way for corporations to operate without seriously distorting the political process.
The current prostitution of government for one party and for one set of corporate donors seems a little unbalanced and potentially harmful to me.
Strategically, as an investor I worry that when the Republicans gain control of the government they may be vengeful towards the big Democrat tech donors. (They are Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google..... Salesforce and Amazon; on Wall Street the nickname is FANG).