I had one personal experience and followed two others.
A friend of mine became head of a major California state agency. After he found serious corruption and rooted it out with an aggressive team of fast moving prosecutors, he wanted to shut down several departments within the agency. He didn’t listen to me and proceeded to cut the budgets for the departments and freeze hiring.
That didn’t work. The youngest and newest employees were let go and the managers gave themselves raises. Just like the IRS has done in the past two budgets.
In Jerry Brown’s first term as governor he wanted to dramatically change the department of the deaf and blind to include major disabilities. He did that by appointing Ed Roberts who was on a respirator in an electric wheel chair. Ed, with authenticity and charm completely changed the department to the Department of Developmental Services.
In Jerry Brown’s election to governor 30 years later, after being a mayor of Oakland, he was determined to eliminate the departments of urban renewal in every town. He cut the state budget for those agencies, which was 12% of gross expenditures. Every city and town tried to keep their local agency alive but gave up after a few years.
With that experience I would advise the incoming President Trump on the way to eliminate or weaken the malignant agencies in Washington.
I would move the IRS and the EPA to Detroit. A big show of helping poor Democrat Detroit.
Tell the agencies to find rental space and move most of their furniture there. Give them two weeks to plan and one month to move. Less than half of their staff would go with them. They would never bother anyone again.
The rest of Washington would get the lesson.
For those who missed the lesson, Trump should send all the FBI agents who were on the team investigating Hillary Clinton’s home email server to form a new office in Baltimore to investigate black crime in public schools.
You’re welcome Mr. President.