I’ve looked at the data and concluded that most types of immigration are good.
Immigrants from India have been positive contributors to commerce since they first began coming 100 years ago and settling in Fresno California. Today they are the backbone of Silicon Valley. Chinese have been coming to the U.S. for nearly 200 years and are equally important contributors to commerce everywhere in the country. The same is true for Japanese and Filipino immigrants.
All these nationalities make such important contributions that they should become citizens without any qualifications or extended green cards.
However it is not necessary to give their relatives any special status (as we currently do). Genetics doesn’t convey modern commercial benefits.
The same open immigration and citizenship should apply to graduates of American postgraduate programs. Almost invariably these are productive citizens.
The same was true for farm workers until the farm worker temporary green card program was ended 45 years ago.
What is the problem with immigrants? Some forms of immigration brings uneducated people who are not productive. That is a minor cost. Some bring terrorism. That is an issue that is currently being voted on in the 2016 election.
The most serious problem is that many immigrants bring their corrupt and socialist political ideas with them from their country of origin. The best example is Bell, California, which is a predominantly Mexican town and corrupt at a level rarely seen in America. I personally know that is true of many Mexican and Latino run cities in the U.S.: corrupt beyond my imagination.
It is also true of immigrants from much of Europe: automatic socialism which is bad for America.
This can be solved in the Americanization teaching and testing. You shouldn't get citizenship unless you can write a paper on what makes American enterprise so powerful and show data as evidence. The new citizen should know at least five great American entrepreneurs, such as Theodore Vail, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Sam Walton, Walt Disney etc.
That is my take on the commerce and immigration issues.