We have an interesting divide in the U.S. these days but no proposals for solution.
The Democrats have staked out the position that White people exist in a world of privilege and need to change. Hillary said "I will call for white people like myself to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have the talk about how to really protect themselves when they're the ones that should be expecting protection from encounters with police,"
"I think we are the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens and we have so much more to be done and we have got to get about the business of doing it."
The Republican position is “law and order”. Blacks need to obey the laws. They have more trouble with police because they commit five times as much crime as anyone else.
Nobody outside the hard core Democrat Party, meaning ordinary Americans, doubts that the reason black crime is so disproportionate is partly cultural and partly the absence of two parent families. Non-black families are increasingly facing the absence of two parent families but the anti-crime culture seems to be stronger than among blacks.
The only useful political question about the black community is whether there is a program that can mitigate the consequences of families without a father-parent.
I have no answer. I’ve worked on incentives for blacks in the care of mentally ill people programs. I learned that blacks can quickly overrun and game any government program. The best solution is to build in a regular 5 years automatic change in the program.
For example, we could have a program that gives all girls who don’t go to college or community college before age 21 and haven’t had a baby a large incentive such as $20,000 a year for five years, starting at 21; the money would continue if they only have a baby within a marriage and live with the father-parent for a separate five year period.
That program would have to change the eligibility rules automatically and without forewarning every five years.
That type of program would present a real discussion of our social problems.