I played a role in several race issues that bother me now. I’ve already apologized for my role in public school integration via busing. It destroyed urban public schools.
I played a role in integration of the San Francisco Police Department and helped an important leader of the Black Police Officer’s Assn.
I also put pressure on, as a big shareholder of major film and TV corporations, to integrate ads and programs.
I did a great deal to promote integration in housing, to no avail. I was a major national player in integration of employment in corporate America and in top management. The only area with unequivocal success. Short and long term.
Now when I read about elements of the Democrat Party's War on police and the monthly protest marches and the apologies by the insipid political classes about police defending themselves from lunatic black criminals trying to kill them, I feel terrible for all the black police officers in America.
Here are decent, competent, deeply honorable men and women who serve in police departments being maligned as ‘racist’. When police are maligned by ignorant and malicious blacks it is the black police who are ignored, insulted and often persecuted by the evil District Attorneys and Federal investigators.
It is just plain sad. I’m glad I helped the integration of the police. I feel awful about the current consequences for all those wonderful public servants who bear the brunt of Black community barbarism and Democrat Party malice.
I don’t feel so bad about my efforts to integrate the media and advertising. There are many TV shows and movies that are better because of integration. Some much better.
What disturbs me is watching the enforced, number counting, somewhat uncomfortable use of blacks in ads where they are out of place. Black homes don’t look like suburban Stepford models; but they are put in those backgrounds for advertising. TV shows a racially integrated America. The reality is that there is a tiny number of mixed black-white racial families or friendship circles; nothing in proportion to those shown in ads.
In fact, the pathetic outcome of all my efforts is that in colleges, public schools and most other social environments that I see (except sports) segregation of blacks and whites is worse than ever.
That is not true of Asian white mixing.
I ascribe the current pathetic situation to a slave mentality that remains deeply ingrained in the black community and is left after the most productive blacks have moved out of the ghettos.