I have felt guilty for my efforts and the efforts of my friends in the 1970’s to get blacks on the police force. Now that the Democrat Party is running a war on the police, these hundreds of thousands of good, honorable decent black police officers are being badly mistreated.
The only way I can imagine redressing this political evil is for TV and movies to make the issue visible in dramatic story lines.
Here are some simple story lines:
- Four black officers in a police locker room. One woman is crying. Another explains: “Her nephew was raggin’ on her last night at a family dinner because a black kid with a gun was shot by cops. He blamed her. She’s just crying. Nothing we can do.”
- Two black officers talking in a patrol car: “Last night, five of us were detailed to serve a summons on a parole who is known to have been in a drive-by car. The apartment was in the MacArthur (black) district. Those guys wanted me to be in the front. Hell, they think that dude won’t shot me cause I’m black. I can’t back out cause they’ll talk about me being a coward. This is fucked."
Three black officers at coffee. Officer #1 says: “Capt’n Gerry wants me on the service duty for the mayor, he thinks it’s good PR. But it isn’t. It makes me look like a servant or a house nig--r to all those angry blacks ladies protesting the police.” Officer #2 says: “I volunteered for the swat squad. With all that equipment on, nobody know who I am.”
- A black male officer leaning on a desk with one black female officer and a white female officer. He says: “Damn. Yesterday I’m booking this old drunk dude and a black kid on the bench yells out loud ‘Hey bro, I’m innocent, get me outa here’. What am I supposed to say. The guys around here are already angry about all those black ladies and the City council attacking the police.
I can come up with dozens more. The whole point is that the Democrat War on Police is hurting decent black officers and nobody is doing anything to right this wrong.
I don’t expect it, but a few decent black pastors could have a Sunday honoring black officers in their churches.