Interestingly, President Obama said that the convening of the Paris conference on global warming armageddon was a rebuke to our Middle Eastern antagonists, (Of course he made no reference to Islam, since he doesn’t believe that any of the myriad of terrorists who act in the name of Islam or Allah are muslims.) He didn’t mean that holding the conference in Paris was a show of courage after the tragedy of Nov. 13th.
What he made clear was that the Paris conference showed a positive view of the future which would discourage terrorists who believe they will give the world a fear of the future that can only be resolved by submission to Islam.
What I want to point out to Obama and future Obamaites is that the Paris Climate Armageddon view of the future is the same as many Shia muslims.
Most shia muslims observe the Day of Ashura on which muslims self flagellate with chains, knives and whips. They are commemorating the suffering of Hussein a grandson of Muhammad who was killed along with his tribe.
I see Obama’s Paris conference on Climate Armageddon as the same as Shia self flagellation. Everything the environmentalists at the Paris conference do is about bringing pain and misery to the world.
They are firmly against modernity, most common sources of energy, use of resources for commerce, health and for such things as travel. The Paris crowd wants taxes on industrial production and even cattle farts. They want nearly everything to be more expensive or banned altogether if it is on their taboo list.
To put it simply, they are self flagellating the Western World, just as the Shia muslims do during Ashura.
The environmentalists are aligned with Shia in their self flagellation. In some ways that is further antagonism to the Sunni among the terrorists.