I think the Paris massacres by Islamists was a turning point for the American Democrat party.
I’m not taking sides in this blog, I’m observing and making some projections on my observations.
The Democrat party as we know it is dead. The evidence is the last three elections where the Republicans won 14 new governorships in 2010 and held on to them in 2014. Won a majority of the House in 2010 of 235 seats and added 17 more in 2014. While also taking the majority in the Senate.
The Democrats have no new young up-and-coming candidates anywhere. They control every large city (except San Diego) but many cities are headed for pension driven bankruptcy in the next few years or at the next recession. The cause is the union control of the Democrat party.
Democrat issues are: socialism, Obamacare, income inequality, climate armageddon, 'Global warming is the greatest threat to America', 'police are killing innocent blacks', 'Islam is not our enemy', 'the IRS has not become politically corrupt', Wall Street is a major source of harm to America, Planned Parenthood is not selling baby parts, Gay marriage is good for America, Israel is not our ally she is a threat to the stability of the Middle East, raising the minimum wage will not increase youth and black unemployment, unions are good for public education while charter schools aren’t and we need a smaller military. The majority of Americans don’t agree with Democrats on any of the issues.
So what will happen to the Democrat party? It will fragment into two major components. The Obamaites, followers of Obama who will worship Obama for the rest of their lives and go to his speeches and gatherings. The moderate Democrats who will spend 4 to 8 years finding a new leader.
Divided into two segments and effectively dead.