I’m too old for this story to be embarrassing.
When I was 13 years old, in what was called junior high and is now called middle school, I walked past this bar on my way to and from school.
On three occasions, when walking home with friends, I recall sticking our heads in the bar door and yelling ‘Daddy please come home we are hungry and we miss you.’
We thought it was hilarious. I don’t know where we got the idea for this.
I now know that the whole temperance movement was based on arguing that alcohol made men irresponsible.
Yelling into a bar door doesn’t look funny from my current perspective. It seems sad.
I don’t know how many men were in the bar at that time of day (roughly 4pm) and I had no idea why anyone would be drinking alcohol at that time of day. I still don’t.
Should I feel guilty for my behavior at this point?