Leftism is a grim future.
Most of the industrial world has been facing a population decline. The reproductive rate for nearly all developed countries is below the 2.1 level needed for sustained population. Many countries are in the 1.2 to 1.4 range meaning rapid population decline. Here is a table that compares three different sources.
The data for Japan is correct. The population peaked a few years ago and the decline is visible all around the country. The data for the U.S. is lower than the reality.
One important lesson from the chart is that it explains the willingness of the Scandinavian countries, Germany and the Mediterranean european countries to take in Muslim immigrants. They are well below reproductive survival rate and they hope new immigrants, young ones, will support their aging populations.
In most non-developed countries families are large because the children are needed for the family workforce and to support the elderly in the family. Less so in developed countries.
The United States is usually at 2.1 and Israel is at 3.0, the two exceptions to the global pattern. The U.S. is the only large developed country with a healthy reproductive rate. Israel is wealthy and growing from children as well as from significant immigration. Israel’s growth is not due to a religious population or domestic Arabs. Why.
I can identify only one reason. In Israel it is obvious: the social hierarchy is weak and social advancement is straightforward. Therefore the people are optimistic about their future and their own ability to triumph from their own efforts. This may look like multiple reasons but it is one reason. People are optimistic because they can create their own future and succeed.
This is true for parts of the U.S. It is true for new immigrants. It is true for Republicans and suburbanites. America completely lacks a social hierarchy and geographic movement is easy.
It is not true for urban Democrats who have few children or none. They are not optimistic and don’t see a positive future.
Many countries are trying incentives to get their young population to reproduce. None have succeeded. My explanation is that their is no optimism in a hierarchical society nor in a socialist society where individual merit is scorned.
England boomed during the 19th Century when industrious and hard driven individuals could go to the colonies. The same was true for Europe when people were free to go to the United States and the global colonies. The end of WWII was the end of hope for most Brits and Europeans.
Population growth ended.