This is the most exciting presidential primary in my life. New ideas, new issues. Of course I’m talking about the Republican primary. The Democrats have nothing new and they haven’t during my adult lifetime.
What have the Republicans introduced into the American national debate?
First was the issue of anchor babies. Mothers coming to the U.S. for a short time to have their babies and get the newborn American citizenship. I had to reread the 14th Amendment to see that Congress could pass a law requiring a modest residence requirement on this strange activity.
The question was raised whether a Sharia believing Muslim could be president. This harkened back to the debates of the 1950’s about a electing a communist president. Sidney Hook made the cogent arguments against such a president. Then in Algeria where a communist was elected, his actions against democracy were so horrific that the military threw out the communists. We saw the same with a Muslim president in Egypt. He had to be thrown out.
North Korea is not an autonomous state. It is a puppet of China and all restraint on North Korea must be applied to China directly.
Women are not fools. The democrat campaign to put a woman on the $10 bill was called out as an overt patronizing act.
Several Republicans have shown that the biased Leftwing media can be handled best by attacking them with clarity and forcefulness. The bulk of America loves to see the media skewered for its blatant and intrusive Lefty bias.
My personal thanks to all the Republican presidential primary candidates. I am sure there will be many more innovative and positive new debate issues on our national scene.