I’ve got to admit that Obama and the Democrats pushing a vicious anti-commerce agenda, cities under union control, Europe headed for continued no-economic-growth and the anti-commerce moslem invasion are giving me a different sense of the world.
I’m seeing the 19th Century as a pax Britannia up until WWI and pax Americana post WWII. The periods of global stability were under these two domains. Every form of anti-commerce was tried in Germany, the USSR, India and China and finally in socialized Europe. Since then a small part of the rest of the world grew on America's coattails and these anti-commerce projects failed.
It was America, the engine of the world for the past 65 years with a great American pro commerce umbrella and a military pax, that created the growth of wealth in the world and the U.S. U.S household income grew from 1946 at a level of $15,000 to $55,000 in the early 2000’s (constant dollars). This occurred along with the movement of women out of the household and growth in living space as well as a level of luxury for everyone that was inconceivable in the past.
America provided the global peace with military power to protect trade expansion and commerce, while America provided the innovation in every field from medicine to telecommunications.
America has been a unique nation. Its booming commerce and individual freedom along with an order of magnitude larger military have continued the mid 19th Century boom into the early 21st Century.
We must ask ourselves whether this is the end of a booming commercial era because Obama and the Left have deliberately, over 8 years, abandoned our global military suzerainty, antagonized our allies and encouraged our enemies sufficiently to permanently end the Pax Americana.
Has the domestic Leftie disaster with geometric growth in government bureaucracy and an anti-commerce milieu permanently damaged America as a productive engine of the world?
I don’t know. But I am capable of seeing my life as having occurred during an extremely brief historical episode of commercial triumph that ends soon after my own life. The triumph of anti-commerce pervades the world except for Israel that is hated by 164 UN member countries (119 voted to abolish Israel and 45 abstained).
In the United States every major city, except San Diego is controlled by union dominated-anti-commerce Democrats. The same anti-commerce mentality that destroyed Detroit and Baltimore.
Not much room for hope. Only a few hundred people alive today can grasp the central role of a pro commerce idea in shaping our wonderful modern world. This bloom of commerce was an accident. Maybe it can be washed away.
A hundred million people are indifferent to the modern world and the remaining billions are stuck in the values of an anti-commerce world.
(I will treat the fragility of commerce in a future blog.)