The summary of the this blog is that the Democrat Party is determined to make low income people worse off. It doesn’t matter what the party potentates say. The facts in this matter are unequivocal
I say this in advance. Because if you are a true believing Democrat, the evidence I present will have no impact on your thinking.
Lets start with an area where I testify as an expert witness. The Public Utilities Commission in California (and many other states) is mandating that utility companies install electric charging stations for electric cars in public places. The tiny number of electric cars that have been sold have been bought by the rich and the ultra rich. But the low income people and everyone else has to pay for the electricity for the rich.
All the federal credits and subsidies go disproportionately to the top income earners. Of all the money subsidizing clean energy 10% goes to the bottom of the income earners and 60% goes to the top earners (top 20%). Source.
In California, the animal nuts (mostly Democrats) passed a law banning eggs on the market from hens who live in small cages. That has doubled the price of eggs from under $3 a dozen to $6 a dosen. That hurts the low income people the most.
Minimum wage laws in Democrat cities eliminate jobs, by the millions. That hurts the low income people especially since they eat out at food retailers that are raising their prices as the minimum wage goes up too.
All the expensive environmental (nearly all environmentalists are Democrats) rules for cars, including smog checks, have their greatest impact on low income people’s cars. Automobile costs for cars are high for the low income people, especially high.
That includes fuel which is more expensive because of the Democrat mandated ethanol in the fuel and the special low sulphur in California gasoline.
The list goes on and on. All the environmental mandates and tax subsidies and other restrictions on retail sales hurt the low income people the most.
The most obvious and egregious example is the requirement that all used toys be tested for lead content. Used toy stores run by Goodwill and St. Vincent DePaul have stopped selling toys, childrens bikes, cribs and strollers. If that doesn’t hurt the low income people the most, what does?
If you are a Democrat, have a smidgen of decency and concern for the low income population…. admit that the Democrat party harms the low income people. Openly, clearly and blatantly.