The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently took a political stand that I strongly reject.
The Chamber came out in defense of the right of businesses to operate robocalls to cellphones. Robocalls intrude on millions for the benefit of dozens. Bad ratio.
This reminds me of the AOPA (private pilots) position on an issue that favored private pilots in the Orange County/LA Basin. A heavy air traffic area.
I ran into trouble as a private pilot with the AOPA position because I am also an airline passenger. I consider my safety as an airline passenger, of which there are millions, to be significantly more important than my desires, whims or wishes as a private pilot. Of which there are a few hundred thousands. Bad ratio.
I run into the same problem with the U.S. Chamber position on robocalls. I consider the time in my life wasted answering robocalls on my cell phone to be much more important to me and everyone else in my cohort and family than the survival of a few tiny parasitic advertising companies.
At some point these special interest organizations should give some thought to the bad situations they get into when they have their organizational interest trump 99% of their member's interests.