We are in a the middle of a mass hysteria.
There is no spokesman to say the simple thing that needs to be said. 'Strong socialist, fascist and communist governments in the last century killed tens of millions of kind, loving, productive and wonderful people. A strong centralized government is a horror that we must never allow to gain power again. Yet it has in the U.S.'
We have an IRS that carries out political campaigns against the Democrat Party enemies. The NASA has been actively promoting a human caused global warming apocalypse with falsified data. The Department of Justice is jumping into local cases and deliberately promoting racial violence and harming local police efforts to calm rioting. The list goes on.
Our own government is out of control with an exposed criminal, Hillary, running for president and the rest of the Democrat ticket consists of a clown, a politician who helped cause the Baltimore riots and a socialist who promotes envy and solutions that have failed everywhere they have been tried.
I have been able to recognized three mass hysterias before. The first in the early 1980’s when nearly everyone believed there was vast child kidnapping going on by strangers. Everyone believed it was in the hundreds of thousands. (Actual data was 110 stranger abductions per year.) There are still residual effects with children not allowed to walk to school and phony ‘Amber alerts’ all over the U.S.
The second was the satanic abuse hysteria in the late 1980's. Daycare centers all over America were accused of carrying out satanic rituals on the children in their care. Child testimony was sought and used to put dozens of innocent devoted daycare workers in prison.
The third was ‘recovered memory’ in which adults in the early 1990's accused other members of their families of crimes that ‘had been forgotten’ until the memory was recovered by therapists. An unknown number of families were shattered with these fictitious accusations. This therapy was weakened when a prominent psychiatrist wrote a powerful article attacking the hysteria in the New Yorker.
Nothing ends an hysteria. I runs its course. Everyone who yesterday firmly believed in Bernie Sanders as a new leader and believed in the wonders of government solutions to major problems, the day after the hysteria ends, deny they ever believed it.
I hope this Lefty-Enviro-Racist hysteria is over before the election next year. Our society can be destroyed if we don’t wake up soon.