Like most people, I think about the education of my grandchildren. The only genuine model I have is my own life.
I know from meeting the children of famous people, that their children seldom follow in the paths of their parents and often rebel.
I don’t see that with grandchildren. On the other hand, each grandchild has several grandparents and seldom see a reason for listening to one over the others unless there is a very strong distinct bond. (As was the case with my daughter and my mother.)
The two things, educationally relevant, I can see into the future of America with confidence are 1) the regular pendulum movement from anti-commerce Democrats to 2) pro commerce Republicans. 2) the survival of America as the commercial engine of the world.
A pro commerce person can survive in the Democrat periods, however long they may be, by being immersed in the commercial world.
With those two visions of the future I see the benefits of an education that focuses on a thriving commercial world.
Math and statistics are core competencies in a commercial world. If one can use a modern spreadsheet with confidence and use a goodly number of the math functions; then one is well prepared for the future.
Commerce also rewards merit. Among the categories of merit that can be stimulated and reinforced by education are an independent mind, an analytic mind and a person with strong enough character strength to express a unique individuality. That includes the drive to seek rewards.
So use your education become a pro commerce, original thinking, uniquely talented individual with drive and persistence.
Do you agree?